Thursday, May 14, 2009

100% Guaranteed "7 Steps To Becoming Sexually Skilled And Confident..."

Dear Friend,
I am an "average guy."
In most ways, I am very lucky and have no complaints.
But, until I was almost forty years old, my sex life was a true source of frustration.
As a younger man, I thought that sex would be an exciting, intense and "spiritual" event; an activity that would bring a couple closer, physically, emotionally and spiritually
This was not my reality.
I struggled to perform sexually.
My wife had never had an orgasm during intercourse.
Although, she was always "willing" to participate, I couldn't shake the feeling that she was only doing it for me - she was not truly that interested in sex.
So, after almost thirteen years of marriage, at the age of 39, I finally decided to do something about my frustration. I spent an entire year learning how to make my sex life everything that I had ever hoped it would be.
I started to collect and devour everything and anything I could find on the topic of Sexology.
Did you know that Mandrake was the earliest aphrodisiac? Or, that it was first mentioned by Aristotle?
Did you know that sexual performance technique references can be found in Near Eastern documents dating back to the second millennium B.C.?
The bookshelves of my home office were lined with books, manuals and medical journals.
All of these were practically unreadable because of my notes, underlines and highlights.
Over the course of that year, my wife and I tried every technique, product and device that looked like it had the potential to increase our pleasure.
All of the best, most effective techniques and secrets were compiled into several binders that I hid deep in the back of my desk drawer.
So overcome with pleasure... she cried.
For the first time in almost thirteen years, my wife had an orgasm during intercourse. She was so overcome with pleasure and joy that she, literally, cried! She told me that she had never imagined that pleasure could be so... overwhelming.
My journey led me, finally, to a married sex life that is beyond any expectation that I may have had. Now, I am sharing what I learned so...
You too can experience sex with your wife that is an intense, frequent and spiritual event...including orgasms (for both of you) that are so overwhelming that you will be that you will be amazed that such pleasure exists in this world.
And, best of all...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

500 Lovemaking Tips and Secrets!

"For this past year my wife has been telling me she isn't really interested in sex any more. I took your advice on some of the romantic ideas and then did a few of the tips you shared and now she's been initiating sex every night this week even though she is studying for exams. After we tried one of your positions she's been wanting to try all of them. Thanks. You saved my marriage." – Britt R, Columbus OH


Monday, May 4, 2009

Lose 9 Lbs. every 11 days

Weight Loss Facts:
Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.
You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes. This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.
Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.
You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either. In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau). You can never get slim by starving yourself.

Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.
You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan. Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people. Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long. This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.

What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?
Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers (and Jenny Craig) usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, since such programs generally promise only 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week. Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program. While some people may like these types of dietary programs, we prefer a dieting plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the Accelerated Fat Burning Program shown below...

Amazon's Kindle 2 : a quadriplegic reading in bliss :-)

Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation)

hello, my name is Ben. I'm a 29-year-old quadriplegic (paralyzed from the chest down, all four limbs affected. I can move my arms pretty well, but I have no use of my fingers and they are contracted.) Without the use of my fingers you can imagine how difficult reading books could be, but I loved reading and I found ways. I had a surgery about two years ago on my midsection which made it impossible to tolerate the weight of heavy books, and without the use of my fingers paperbacks were not an option (they would simply fall off the book holder when I tried to turn a page.) Into my life comes the Kindle. That was back in December when I got the Kindle 1. I literally shed tears as I realized Amazon had given me back the passion that had been stripped away from me after my surgery just as my mobility had been taken away 14 years earlier. Now just a few months later we have an upgrade. I feared an upgrade with a sleeker design would be the end of its handicap accessibility. I am here today to tell anyone with disabilities nothing could be further from the truth. For those of us with poor dexterity the five way controller can be manipulated easily with a knuckle, or even the side of your hand since the controller sits just slightly above the other buttons. This for me was a major improvement accessibility wise from the first unit since trying to push the button with my knuckle would often scroll down and select the wrong thing. The five way controller also takes very little force to push, I was often afraid of breaking the Kindle 1 with how hard I had to push on the wheel with the side of my hand. I love reading the newspaper every day, but reporters love to push the boundaries of our vocabularies, but the Kindle 2 dictionary is right there to keep us reading, and make sure we know exactly what we are reading so we don't misinterpret anything. The improved dictionary lookup is amazing. I no longer have to go to a menu and look up an entire lines worth of words. I just use the controller and go to the word I want and the definition is on the bottom of the screen :-) We can now access the Internet without turning over the Kindle to flip a switch :-) you just go to the menu and turn on the wireless. I couldn't tell you how many times I wanted to look something up I was reading in the newspaper only to find out I didn't have the wireless on. Turning it on then would've required me to call my caregiver, have them turn it on, leave the room while I did my research, and then call them back to turn it off. Thank you very much for the great improvement :-) The buttons are a little smaller, but not so small that they are not accessible. I can still easily hit the buttons with the side of my hand. The only real difference is now when my caregivers put the Kindle away for me they don't accidentally turn pages, or click a button and say "I didn't mess anything up did I?" Speaking of pushing buttons I loved reading magazines on my Kindle 1, the only problem was I didn't want to read every single article, and being disabled it was just a little inconvenient to have to keep clicking the wheel to get to the menus to scroll through the magazine. So what did my good friends at Amazon do for me? Well they went and made it so if I don't like the article I'm reading I just have to push my little joystick to the left or right one time to go to another article :-) Some people miss the memory card slot. I myself did not start reading e-books until the Kindle, and I have no problem with their prices for books. Since the device can hold 1500 titles and whatever erase from the device to make room is backed up at Amazon I have no complaints in that department. Anyway if I do find other e-books I like I can simply e-mail them to my Kindle :-) Yes we have to send our Kindle to Amazon to replace the battery, being disabled this is actually a convenience for me, and there are also a lot of music devices out there that you have to do the same thing. So I will not complain about this either :-) If I knew the e-mail address for Jeff Bezos I would happily send him this review that I will also be posting in the forums so he would personally know that he has truly changed one man's life for the better, that this device for some of us will not just be incredibly convenient, but that it will be life altering. In my profile is a picture of me holding the Kindle 2 reading one of my favorite books :-) I hope the picture shows accurately how easy it is for people with disabilities to use. I just put a pillow on my midsection so the book will have something to lean against while I turn the page with my knuckle. I can offer no higher praise so with that in my review ends. Thank you...... thank you Kindle team.

Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation)
By Ben C. Hobson "In chess the winner is the one who makes the second to last blunder :-)"

Incredible NEW Solution Allows You To Finally Cure Premature Ejaculation and Last As Long As You Need To...

I've been meaning to write to you with my results. I used to last 30-60 seconds, sometimes less, and I honestly couldn't see it getting any better. I tried pills and read all the information I could, I just couldn't figure out how to last longer than that. When I came across your website I thought it was probably just the same stuff I read at other websites, but I went through the material anyways because I was basically desperate. I was surprised that there was a great deal of information I was never aware of beforehand, you did a great job at explaining how it all works. Why isn't this stuff explained on other websites or in books? It seems all people talk about on other websites is PC exercises and other lame 'techniques', nothing about helping the actual cause. Anyways, as for my results it's been a little over a month and my premature ejaculation is no longer an issue, I don't even worry about it anymore. I can't believe how long I last now, thanks for the time and effort you put into your website and program. It is truly appreciated

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What's Age Got to Do with It?: Living Your Healthiest and Happiest Life

What's Age Got to Do with It?: Living Your Healthiest and Happiest Life

Robin makes it very clear that she is writing this book to answer all the questions she gets so I don't understand the comments that there is nothing new here. People asked her what SHE does and she told us (and inclued comments from the experts who guided her) and I am grateful! There is so much information out there that it is nice to have someone share what she has found works. Many of the "hints" are not pricey and the ones that are, one can usually find a close substitute. It is a very entertaining and enjoyable to read book, full of good advice. I am 65 and I needed a kick in the rear and she ahs given me that! I felt energized just from reading, to get on that exercise wheel! I promise!!!

How To Approach Any Woman, Anywhere And Know Exactly What To Say To Get Her To Give You Her Number And Go On A Date With You - NOW

IMPORTANT: Do not do ANYTHING else in your LIFE until you've read the contents of this box!
It may be an eye opener...

Give me a minute of your time right now, and let me PROVE to you that regardless of your looks, age and financial standing – YOU can make young beautiful women attracted to you, seduce them at your leisure and make them fall in love with you with frightening regularity.

After reading what I have to say, other guys will look and wonder HOW… WHY… They’ll worship you for being able to attract and seduce women at your will - so easily.

We aren’t talking about magic here or baloney either… We’re talking about PROVEN simple steps you can take that will make a woman fall for you… big time. Every time. And with scientific like success rates!

You see, attraction is MORE of a SCIENCE than an art form.

See, as humans, we all have two ways of thinking. Number 1 is using logic or our conscious minds. Number 2 is using emotion or our subconscious minds.

The great thing about seducing women is that they are HARD WIRED to follow their emotional thoughts and feelings that are the same across ALL women… They cannot help it. That’s why so many women fall for the same “ass hole” guys. Their logical brains are telling them that they’ll be cheated on. That they’ll be messed around. That they’d be better off with the nice guy. And they are usually right, but women are RUN by their emotional side of the brain. They can’t help but seek out the excitement, the alpha male, the bad boy.

Now I’m not for one moment trying to suggest you should become a “bad boy” ass hole, but I’m DEFINITELY saying that if you are frustrated in the dating game, chances are you’ve tried the nice guy way already and it simply doesn’t work at anything other than becoming their “friend” which is the LAST thing you want. PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT suggesting you should become a “bad boy”… Read on…

With my unique system I can make you trigger ALL of the emotional attraction switches in the female mind within 7 minutes – without acting like you are somebody else – and get the same success that those few same guys get, all for yourself.

It’s as simple as this…

If you do and say certain things in a certain way then women WILL become attracted to you. They can’t help it. Women have emotionally evolved brains that DENY logic and make decisions based solely on feelings – when it comes to who they are attracted to.

And you know what evolution has done for you also?

Made it so that YOUR looks are only 20% of what a woman is looking for. And if you happen to be above a certain “acceptable” levels of looks (and let me tell you, this level is low, lots of UGLY guys make the grade) then you can bypass this 20% TOTALLY and make the whole of a woman’s attraction be about WHO you are and HOW you act, instead of what you look like, or how much you get paid…

Let me state that more simply.

Use my techniques and it will NOT matter if you are good looking or not, whether you are rich or not, whether you are bald or fat.. ALL of that WON’T MATTER ONE LITTLE BIT. You can “turn off” that side of her brain and have almost any woman in your spell.

Sound good?Read On.....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lose Fat and Gain Muscle with Turbulence Training

Lose fat and gain muscle without cardio. Discover the cardio free fat loss workouts using weight training exercise and interval training to burn fat, get rid of stubborn belly fat, and build muscle.
5 Fat Loss Myths: Why Long, Slow Boring Cardio is not the Best Fat Loss Program to Increase Your Metabolism and Burn Belly Fat...

By Craig Ballantyne, Men’s Health Magazine Expert, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, and Author of Turbulence Training

Craig Ballantyne, and his dog Bally,
with 6-pack abs sculpted by
Turbulence Training

Myth #1 - You Have to Do Cardio in the Morning on an Empty Stomach in order to Burn Fat

There is no fat loss magic to doing cardio on an empty stomach. In fact, most trainers “in-the-know” are using intervals instead of slow, boring cardio to help their clients burn fat fast. Plus, who wants to be doing boring cardio at 6am while their stomach is rumbling? If you could find better home fitness workouts to burn fat, wouldn’t you do those instead?

Myth #2 - You Have to Do Cardio in the Fat Burning Zone

By exercising in the fat burning “Zone”, as some folks like to call it, you only burn a few extra calories than if you weren’t doing any exercise at all! Slow, boring cardio workouts are not the best way to lose belly fat. If you truly want to change your body, you need to use short, burst exercise home fitness workouts.

Myth #3 - You Have to Do Cardio 7 Days Per Week

You don’t need to workout everyday. The truth is, you only need to do 3 short home fitness workouts per week of 45 minutes.

Myth #4 You Have to Do Cardio for at Least 20 Minutes Before You Start Burning Fat

We’re burning fat all the time, even while you sit here and read this message. Sure, exercise increases our fat burning, but it’s not as though the first 20 minutes of any workout don’t burn fat. That makes no sense at all! I’ll show you how the short, burst exercise system helps you achieve more fat loss in less than half the time of a regular cardio workout.

Myth #5 – You Can’t Lose Fat and Gain Muscle at the Same Time

Scientific research and my experience says, “Yes, you can!” A recent study found that men and women can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time if they use a component of my Turbulence Training system.

Get ready to discover the short, burst exercise system that will help you boost your metabolism, increase your fat loss, and burn belly fat, and then make your choice below…

Want to know more?

How to prevent Swine Influenza H1N1

Click Here!
About the Author (Stephen Jones, Australia)
NOTE: The information in this book is also relevant to the swine flu, although it was originally written for the bird flu.
I am registered biology teacher. I have a lovely wife and four beautiful children. Since 1997, when the world first experienced human fatalities from an outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza in Hong Kong I have casually watched the progress of the H5N1 Bird Flu.
After most of Hong Kong’s chickens were culled, several scientists stated that a potential H5N1 Bird flu pandemic had been averted by eliminating the virus completely from the island. This made me curious about how a seemingly simple bird flu infection far away on an island could potentially wreck havoc on the whole world, including my family.
In early 2004 an outbreak of the bird flu began in Vietnam. The H5N1 Bird Flu and H1N1 Swine Flu virus was now spreading in relatively poor and underdeveloped countries with thousands of backyard chicken farms. There was little chance of eliminating the H5N1 Bird Flu virus completely from South East Asia. This logically suggested that a pandemic could occur. Also each past pandemic originated from a bird flu virus and this H5N1 Bird Flu was still rapidly evolving towards pandemic like characteristics.
Click Here!
The threat of a pandemic was starting to appear to be a real possibility so in May 2005 I began making preparations to protect my family based on the infection control guidelines established by the World Health Organisation.
It has taken my wife and I three months to prepare psychologically and emotionally for some of the horrendous situations that could happen in a severe pandemic. Most people would not voluntarily want to contemplate about such horror scenarios. Consequently, it has cost us at least $500 to prepare ourselves.
It has taken months to find the information that I needed to know to protect my family. Later, I realised that the government was doing little to assist people to prepare themselves if a severe pandemic occurs. Thousands of lives could be lost needlessly simply because the public is not being adequately informed. All fears dissolve to cautious awareness when preparations are complete.
I have since appeared in newspaper articles, held information meetings and lobbied politicians, mayors and anyone else to get people to start preparing themselves now for a severe pandemic. It is now likely that a H5N1 pandemic will occur but no one knows when it will appear or how deadly the pandemic will be.
I consider my own preparations as a form of insurance against a possible future event. My family is more valuable to me than a house and houses are insured against even less likely events. I also love people. This is why I am helping you to become prepared instead of keeping this information to myself. Ultimately a community that works together has a better chance of survival. It is also a better way to live.
Click Here!